Why do rental and mixed fleet customers love our Safelock® quick coupler system so much?

Harford Quick Hitch Coupler - Kato with Safelock

When speaking to our customers in the rental sector and those running mixed fleets, it’s clear that for them the most important aspects to consider when it comes to choosing their quick coupler system largely fall into 4 main categories:

1) Reliability of performance
2) Durability of parts
3) Flexibility across machine brands
4) ROI

Since 2005, our Safelock® quick coupler system has consistently set the standard for the categories identified above, which goes some way to explaining why over 20 years later, it continues to be our most popular product line across the US.

This year we’re fortunate to be celebrating 20 years of Safelock®. As part of those celebrations, our CEO Anna Kidd recently attended The ARA Show in Las Vegas where she held a press conference to mark this fantastic milestone. Anna interviewed Russell Sample and Andrew Maxwell of Reliant Rental in Houston, TX who were early adopters of the Safelock® system shortly after it launched in 2005. Since then Reliant have continued to specify the Safelock® across their large mixed fleet of rental excavators. Take a look at the video below to find out what it is about Safelock® that Reliant love so much and has served them so well over the years.

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